Publius Ovidius

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The Statue of the latin writer, Ovid was executed by the Italian sculptor Ettore Ferrie in 1887 as a tribute to the writer who has lived the last years of his life in exile in Tomis. The monument stands proudly in Ovidiu Square, right in front of the Museum of National History and Archaeology. The statue was unveiled in August of 1887 in this local personalities presence and was a festive event for the whole city. Originally the monument was facing north, but was moved to its current position in 1921, with the commencement of construction work at the Palace Town Hall, the current Museum of National History and Archaeology. The bronze statue depicts a writer Ovid meditative stance and the socket or are the words: "Under this stone lies Ovidiu singerKilled by the gentle love and talent.Oh, what do you get out here the and if you ever lovede asks for his smoothly sleep. " A faithful replica of the statue was unveiled in 1925 in the Italian city of Sulmona, Ovid's birthplace.  

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Scan The World
Scan the World enables metaReverse with a conscience; an ecosystem for everyone to freely share digital, 3D scanned cultural artefacts for physical 3D printing.


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