Portrait of Lucius Auelius Verus (Designated Emperor 136-138 AD)

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Lucius Verus, (15 December 130 – 23 January 169 AD) was the co-emperor of Rome with his adopted older brother Marcus Aurelius from 161 until 169 when he died. Lucius and his brother were an important emperor in the middle of the 2nd Century, Lucius is the less famous of the two. They were both picked out as young boys by the past Emperor Hadrian to be the then-reinging-emperor Antoninus’s successors, just as Antoninus was Hadrian’s adopted successor. They were the first co-emperors to rule Rome, despite the senate plans for Marcus to rule alone, to which Marcus refused unless Lucius received equal powers. They ruled together well which set an example for following Emperors to come. Marcus controlled the city of Rome and the campaigns along the northern frontier whilst Lucius was responsible for gathering a massive army and setting out East. When Lucius and his troops returned to Rome, the city had been struck by a mass of the smallpox pandemic. The Romans believed that Lucius and his troops were the cause of the disease being released, that they had disturbed the temple of Apollo angering the god of Health and Diseases resulting in the disease being unleashed. Lucius succumbed to this disease ending his life, and some might say, ended the Roman Empire’s glory days. Marcus went on to rule solo until his son, Commodus, joined him in 177. Marcus died in 180.   Credit: Immortales: Lucius Verus and Marcus Aureli: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE0kH9NyCLU

About the author:
SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
The Statens Museum for Kunst (National Art Museum of Denmark) was founded in 1849 when the Danish royal collections became property of the people. Today we at SMK want to contribute to building a more creative and reflective society that values its history and cherishes difference.


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