Parthenon Frieze _ West VI, 11-12

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Since its removal from the monument in 1993 , the west frieze has been stored in the Acropolis Museum, except for blocks I and II in the British Museum. The west frieze is made up of sixteen blocks averaging 1.40 m. in length, with the exception of blocks I and XVI, which are only 0.60 m. long because they are actually the narrow sides of the west blocks of the north and south sides, N XLVII and S I respectively. The frieze depicts the preparation for the Panathenaic procession of the horsemen in the Kerameikos. Each frieze block includes one to three (at most) figures and as many as two horses. At intervals are individuals standing still, who in a sense form the axes of the entire composition along this side. Blocks with quiet scenes are interposed with those bearing scenes of action.Great variety is also seen in the clothing of the horsemen. Some have interpreted this as a means of distinguishing the 10 or 4 tribes of Attica. Some riders are nude, some wear a short belted chiton or exomis, others a chlamys and petasos (wide-brimmed hat); still others cuirass and helmet, while evident too is the garb of other parts of Greece, such as Macedonia or Thrace: chiton and chlamys of coarse cloth, boots and fox-skin caps (alopeke). Weapons and the horsesí bridle attachments were applied in bronze.

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Scan The World
Scan the World enables metaReverse with a conscience; an ecosystem for everyone to freely share digital, 3D scanned cultural artefacts for physical 3D printing.


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