Otocyon megalotis, Bat-eared Fox (male)

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This specimen, a male, was collected by T.N. Liversedge on 10 February 1967 in Mpatutlwa Pan, Botswana. It was made available to the University of Texas High-Resolution X-ray CT Facility for scanning by Dr. Blaire Van Valkenburgh of the University of California Los Angeles. Funding for scanning was provided by Dr. Van Valkenburgh and by a National Science Foundation Digital Libraries Initiative grant to Dr. Timothy Rowe of The University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Blaire Van Valkenburgh, 2010, "Otocyon megalotis" (On-line), Digital Morphology. Accessed May 19, 2017 at http://digimorph.org/specimens/Otocyon_megalotis/male/.



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