Nebmerutef at The Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Paris

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This scullpture is part of a small group piece depicting a high-ranking scribe at work, reading an unrolled papyrus. He is under the protection of the god Thoth, patron of the scribes, represented in his animal form as a baboon. The inscriptions identify him as Nebmerutef, known to have been an important figure at the time of Amenophis III. The piece is a good example of the mannered style characteristic of his reign. Description A high official is portrayed in the attitude of a scribe, under the attentive gaze of the god Thoth, patron of writing. He is engrossed in reading a document, seated cross-legged on the ground, with his torso leaning slightly forward, and his right hand resting on the papyrus. He wears a short-sleeved shirt, which falls down over a loincloth knotted at the waist. In accordance with the fashion of the time, his delicately carved curls can be seen beneath the radiating tresses of the wig. Above him, the baboon sacred to Thoth is seated on a pedestal; the damaged muzzle emerges from a broad ruff, while the upper part of the body is covered in thick fur. Between the scribe and the baboon-god stands an offering table. Identification Inscriptions identify the figures and indicate their relationship. Nebmerutef was at the same time chancellor, royal scribe and high priest. He asks the baboon that he might benefit from the food deposited in the sacred precinct to nourish his own body. The purpose of this small stone sculpture was to give perpetual, timeless form to his request for food.Nebmerutef was a high official in the reign of Amenophis III. As such, he enjoyed very special royal favor in being allowed to deposit his statue in the god's own temple - probably at Hermopolis, the most important sanctuary of Thoth. God of knowledge, science and wisdom, he was the patron of scholars and high administrative officials, who drew inspiration from him. It is something new for a courtier to foster a personal relationship between himself and the god, by having himself portrayed alongside Thoth. Royal Generosity Nebmerutef is also depicted on a wall of the temple of Amenophis III at Soleb. Close to the king, he is shown taking part in the jubilee celebrations, alongside the greatest figures of the realm. The graywacke stone, selected for its color and the fine grain that allowed great precision in carving, is a noble material. Sculpted in the royal workshops, this "portrait" of the scribe is modeled on portraits of the king, as the only possible source of reference: the narrow, almond-shaped eyes, accentuated by a cosmetic line that extends as far as the temples, and the youthful air of the face, are all features taken from statues of Amenophis III himself.Thanks to the king's generosity, Nebmerutef was also able to have himself portrayed in a second sculpture, similar in composition, carved in costly white alabaster. Today these stand side by side in the same display-case.   This object is part of "Scan The World". Scan the World is a non-profit initiative introduced by MyMiniFactory, through which we are creating a digital archive of fully 3D printable sculptures, artworks and landmarks from across the globe for the public to access for free. Scan the World is an open source, community effort, if you have interesting items around you and would like to contribute, email [email protected] to find out how you can help.



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