Nativity and adoration of shepherds

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3701 (views)
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The Virgin on the lower left leans over the child Jesus and wipes his face. St. Joseph is behind her; the staggered beef and donkey are figured in slight relief. Four shepherds are gathered around them. The one in the foreground, kneeling on a truncated column shaft, holds a lamb from his left arm, while behind a second shepherd carries another on his shoulders. The last two shepherds are bearded and seem to be talking. This scene is part of a classic architectural setting where fluted columns and a temple appear. Through the spread of relief in depth, Bachelier has created a beautiful illusion of perspective. The animation of the scene is provoked by the attitude of the characters and by the treatment of the folds, very worked and flexible, and waving and decorative hair.

About the author:
The Musée des Augustins de Toulouse is a fine arts museum in Toulouse, France which conserves a collection of sculpture and paintings from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century.


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