Memorial relief of Georg Lurich

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This is a memorial relief depicting Georg Lurich (1876 - 1920) was one of the most famous Estonian professional wrestlers.  It is not known how many times Georg Lurich became World Champion. Due to the lack of an organizing and coordinating international organization, every major international championship was declared World Championship. Lurich set about 40 world records, as high-sport world records were also considered to be durable and vigorous at that time There is an inscription on the stone next to the relief saying:  "eesti maadlusspordirajaja mitmekordnemaailmameisterGEORG LURICH22.4.1876 - 22.1.1920õppis eno. talinnareaalkoolis aastail1887 kuni 1894" "Founder of Estonianwrestling sport and multipleworld championGeorg Lurich 22 Apr. 1876 - 22 Jan. 1920studied at the TallinnSecondary Science Schoolfrom 1887 to 1894"

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Scan The World
Scan the World enables metaReverse with a conscience; an ecosystem for everyone to freely share digital, 3D scanned cultural artefacts for physical 3D printing.


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