Martin Meytens the younger

16 (likes)
2010 (views)
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The sculptor Cousin was one of the French artists hired for the palace works. The casual style of dress, with unbuttoned shirt, suggests this is an artist portrait, perhaps of a colleague on the palace site. The bust was previously believed to be of the painter Martin van Meytens the Younger, but he had already left the country when Cousin arrived in 1737. The style of the work is unusually realistic for the period.   These 3D scans have been produced with an Artec Eva with the ambition to produce a digital representation as close to the original as possible. However, the presented scans are not to be regarded as duplicates as due to inaccessible areas etc deviations from the original might occur. Photography credit: CC BY SA Per-Åke Persson / Nationalmuseum

About the author:
Nationalmuseum is the national gallery of Sweden, located on the peninsula Blasieholmen in central Stockholm. Everyone is welcome to experience art, applied arts and design from the 16th Century until the present day. In addition to the collections the museum presents temporary exhibitions featuring art and design from museums and other lenders in Sweden and abroad. These 3D scans have been produced with an Artec Eva with the ambition to produce a digital representation as close to the original as possible. However, the presented scans are not to be regarded as duplicates as due to inaccessible areas etc deviations from the original might occur.


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