Lion from Tamassos

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This oversized lion is one of five unique exhibits, found in the royal necropolis of ancient Tamassos on January 31st 1997 during conservation work of the two royal tombs on the site. They were not found in situ, but not far under the surface and almost overlapping each other. It is possible to assume, on the basis of their apotropaic (having the power to avert evil or bad luck) attitude as well as on their missing rear sides, that they were placed on either side of the entrance to the dromos that led to another royal tomb at Tamassos.  The sculptures, dateable to the 6th century (the Cypro-Archaic II period), are exquisite examples of the sculpture of the period, their dating agrees with the architecture of the two royal tombs of Tamassos and they may be regarded as part of a general group of sculptures that exhibit egyptian influence.

About the author:
Scan The World
Scan the World enables metaReverse with a conscience; an ecosystem for everyone to freely share digital, 3D scanned cultural artefacts for physical 3D printing.


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