Horse Outside The Hunt Museum

51 (likes)
9953 (views)
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There are 4 versions of this horse which can be downloaded. 1) The smooth horse WITHOUT texture. 2) The smooth horse WITH texture. 3) The painting's details sculpted on the horse WITHOUT texture (displacement). 4) Same as 3 but WITH a texture (displacement). STL files do not work with texture files - OBJs only from this download set. The Hunt Museum - Horse Outside project started in 2011. The second horse was added in 2012. It was a community project with Angela Connolly, a community artist who worked with two groups of children to design and paint two life sized fiberglass horses with objects from the Hunt Museum Collection as well as personal notes and drawings. The horse are displayed outside the front door of the Hunt Museum on a daily basis during opening hours. Horse Outside is also the title of a comedy song performed by Limerick Duo ‘The Rubberbandits’. Scanned as part of a community project by the hunt museum.

About the author:
The Hunt Museum preserves and exhibits the original artefacts gathered, over a lifetime, by John and Gertrude Hunt and known as the Hunt Collection. The Museum also displays its own collections, as well as visiting exhibitions of Local, National and International significance with the overall aim of maximising their cultural and educational potential for the people of Limerick and Ireland.


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