Hollow edged axe

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1645 (views)
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Hollow edged, thick-butted greenstone axe from Hallsberg parish, Närke. Hollow edged axes primarily appear within the Battle Axe Culture of the Middle Neolithic, circa 2700-2300 BC. They were probably used for wood-working. 3D scanning, Xenter 3D-tekniker Midori Åstrand ______________ This object was scanned by Historiska, The Swedish History Museum

About the author:
The Swedish History Museum is one of the biggest museums in Sweden. Every year tens of thousands of visitors come from Sweden and around the world to see one of the world’s largest Viking exhibits, Sweden’s foremost gold and silver treasures, incomparable medieval art and unique finds from one of the most violent battles of Swedish history – the Battle of Gotland 1361.


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