Harihara figure

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1412 (views)
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Standing figure of Harihara carved from a single slab of buff-coloured sandstone. The four-armed god is shown holding Śiva’s trident (triśūla) and rosary (akṣamālā) on the left, and Viṣṇu’s conch (śaṅkha) and discus (cakra) on the right. The headgear is symmetrically divided between Śiva’s matted locks and Viṣṇu’s jewelled crown. The image has a multi-banded halo, stands on a lotus and is set in a frame carved with a host figures in relief. Specific iconographic figures are shown on each side of Hari-Hara: those on the right represent the incarnations of Viṣṇu and those on the left the manifestations of Śiva. Photos taken in November 2018 with a Sony a6000 and processed in Agisoft Photoscan.   This object comes with texture, if you have any problem with it contact us at [email protected]



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