Lewa kość udowa świnki morskiej

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3533 (odsłony)
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Ta lewa kość udowa świnki morskiej pochodzi z okazu uzyskanego przez Bruce'a Manzano z University of Kentucky ze sklepu zoologicznego w Reading w Pensylwanii. Została ona zeskanowana trójwymiarowo za pomocą skanera NextEngine Desktop 3-D.

O autorze:
The Virtual Curation Laboratory at VCU formed through a project with the U.S. Department of Defense’s Legacy Program to develop a digital data project that incorporates the use of a three-dimensional object scanner in recording American Indian and historic artifacts for analysis and conservation. The Virtual Curation Laboratory now partners with institutions across the planet to 3D scan paleontological, archaeological, and historically significant items with the goal of sharing them freely with the world. Project Director: Dr. Bernard K. Means; [email protected]


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