Fischer von Erlach

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Fischer von Erlach Monument at the town hall square. The statue of Fischer von Erlach dates back to 1867. The sculptor Josef Cesar depicts Erlach with a plan in his hand. Until 1897 the statue was located on the Elisabeth Bridge. Johann Bernhard Fischer, since 1696 Fischer von Erlach (1656-1723), was an Austrian architect of the Baroque period. Fischer learned the sculptor’s craft from his father, Johann Baptist Fischer from Graz. In 1688 he came to Vienna and became the teacher of the young heir to the throne Josef. In 1688 he drew up a visionary ideal plan for Schönbrunn for the imperial family. After various alterations, however, only fragments remain. Between 1693 and 1699 he built five churches in the prince archdiocese of Salzburg. In 1698 he began the first phase of construction of the city palace of Prince Eugene. In 1715, he won the tender for the construction of the Karlskirche, which is considered his major work.

About the author:
There are many websites and other media showing collections of monuments. The images provided there reflect the perspective of the respective photographer. You have no way of seeing the monument from all sides and discovering interesting details that are particularly present in lavishly built monuments. This shortcoming has inspired me to create monuments and interesting buildings as 3D models and to make them available to you on "Lower Austria 3D". In the three-dimensional monuments shown here, you are the photographer. With simple navigation, you can rotate and turn the 3D model as you like and get a view that would not be possible on simple pictures or during a visit on site.


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