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Bachelier was at the origin of the rise of the Renaissance in Toulouse. He participated in the decoration of many religious buildings such as those of Daurade, Dalbades, Jacobins or Cordeliers. The original location of this fragment of bas-relief remains uncertain, it is assumed that it comes from the convent of Cordeliers where Bachelier had actually performed a choir fence with bas-reliefs. This very incomplete fragment presents two moving characters bearing the body of the dead Christ. From the one on the left, we see only a part of the tunic, the one on the right, a truncated bearded head and a part of the arms that support the legs of Christ. These and her right hand are amputated. Despite these many mutilations, this composition remains balanced and of high quality.

About the author:
The Musée des Augustins de Toulouse is a fine arts museum in Toulouse, France which conserves a collection of sculpture and paintings from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century.


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