Coral - Ketophyllum and Heliolites

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Silurian solitary coral Ketophyllum, overgrown by the tabulate coral Heliolites sp. Found at elton, near Ludlow; type of tabulata, commonly known as tabulate corals, an order of extinct forms of coral. They are almost always colonial, forming colonies of individual hexagonal cells known as corallites defined by a skeleton of calcite, similar in appearance to a honeycomb. Adjacent cells are joined by small pores. Their distinguishing feature is their well-developed horizontal internal partitions (tabulae) within each cell, but reduced or absent vertical internal partitions (septa). They are usually smaller than rugose corals, but vary considerably in shape, from flat to conical to spherical. Imaged using a canon 5DS R and Stackshot 3x with turntable to provide 108 images which were then processed using agisoft photoscan at high levels. ___________ This object is scanned by Fossils in Shropshire



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