Mission San Gabriel Archangel Project

9 (likes)
5450 (views)
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4th Grade Mission Project - San Gabriel Archangel - done by my daughter with technical support from Dad. Most parts are printed with PLA and the roof was done in LayBrick for stain-ability. Plants, grass, and figurine purchased at Michaels Craft Store. Walkway is Elmers white glue sprinkled with craft sand. Doors and windows colored with markers (nothing exotic). We decided to go with a simple front facade instead of a full building for time/material constraints. Used this bell in different scales for bell tower: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5015 Water in fountain is a two-part clear polyurethane castable system with a touch of blue dye. https://bjbenterprises.com/index.php/wc-595-a-b/ Adhesive used to bond PLA pieces together and mount to the wood is: https://bjbenterprises.com/index.php/adhesives/ap-3220-a-b/ Let me know if you have any questions.



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