The 3D Printed Marble Machine #2 - Design by Tulio

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The 3D Printed Marble Machine #2 - Designed by Tulio LaanenVideo: After success of my First 3d printed marble machine, I've been able to make "The 3D Printed Marble Machine #2" become reality.  As a first year student at the Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts, Netherland. I'm producing the marble machines in my spare time, with the intention to develop my own skills in my way of thinking about art swell as technical skills..  If you want to support me, feel free to Donate, PayPal, (a minimum of 1$ /€1 or your just paying for transaction;)  Check out my first 3D Printed Marble Machine as well:Thingiverse: Contact mail: [email protected] Upload an image if you made one.

About the author:
As a first year student at the Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts, Netherland. I'm producing the marble machines in my spare time, with the intention to develop my own skills in my way of thinking about art swell as technical skills.


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