Geared Heart, Hand Crank Edition

1992 (likes)
53704 (views)
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eared hearts fascinate me (perhaps because I was born on Valentines day?). I'm unsure as to who created the first one (sorry for being unable to credit the original creator) as I was unaware that geared hearts had been around for a while. For example, I found this 2008 video of a paper hand cranked geared heart and was intrigued. Inspired by the paper hand cranked geared heart video, and emmett's brilliant geared heart design, yet having too little time to create one entirely on my own, I incorporated emmett's geared heart into this design to create my hand cranked PLA version of the hand cranked paper geared heart. The video of my version is at And if you don't like cranking the heart by hand, then a motorized version is available. Designed using Sketchup 8, and printed in PLA on a Replicator 2 using Makerware "Standard" settings. UPDATES: 1) Added "Heart Base 1-2.stl" to work with emmett's "HeartGears1-2.stl". Has not been tested yet, printer be warned!

About the author:
Not a single one of DaVinci's statues began without supports...


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