Gatling gun building brick

64 (likes)
9679 (views)
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For some reason I had the sudden urge to design a gatling gun that would fit with Lego and hopefully other ranges of building block toys. I've included two versions, one is the precise fitting as measured from a sample building block and the other is optimised for printing on FDM printers. (Mines a FlashForge dual). Print time was under 15 minutes at a layer thickness of 0.15mm. The size compared to a regular Lego brick is 1 x 3 x 5. My test print had a bit of oozing near the end of the print and I'm lazy when it comes to removing support material. Hence the seeming poor quality fit in the photo.  

About the author:
Hi, welcome to my profile. I like to design a wide range of objects, from the mechanical/functional to artistic. I've been building up my 3D design experience using Blender, which provides a wide range of design options, since about September 2013.


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