Rivers of Blood - Elden Ring

99 (likes)
10459 (views)
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This is a Demo version meant to portray the details and scale of the prop.The full version can be found herehttps://www.aguilarworkshop.com/product-page/rivers-of-blood-elden-ring Major Features   "Build your own Katana" The entire blade comes out to around 5ft. If that sounds big, what do you expect, its a FromSoftware game. The blade is comprised of 6 pieces and are all designed to fit over a series of identical oval shaped alignment pegs. This ensures that all the pieces can be easily and perfectly oriented when you glue/weld the blade segments together. There is a large central peg that you can fit the blade, hilt, and handle on top of. Additionally, there are a couple options for the handle. There is an option without the cordage wrapping in the STL file for those who want to wrap the handle themselves. For those who dont want to bother with that, there is an option with the pattern already modeled into the handle. Lastly, you can print the handles in two halves for those with shorter print volumes.   The pommel fits over the bottom of the handle. Commission This prop was a commission for a client and all the features you see were either requested or are just a natural process of my build process. If you want to bring you favorite weapon/armor to life, contact me for a quote! Show off your builds! If you have a build of any of my models, I want to se them! Email me pics of your completed builds and I'll offer you discount codes for your next purchase! I post these photos to my instagram @aguilarworkshop. DM me if you'd like to be featured!

About the author:
Aguilar Workshop features downloads of 3D models from some of your favorite video games and shows. Helpful articles on how to make high quality props easily and cheaply. aguilarworkshop.com


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