Jareth's Necklace (Movie - Labyrinth)

21 (likes)
2011 (views)
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The movie Labyrinth came out in 1986 starring the great David Bowie as Jareth the Gobin King, and the talented Jennifer Connelly as Sarah. In this memorable movie, Jareth wears various amazing 80s clothes and an iconic necklace. Print this necklace to have as a fun movie prop at home or to add it to your own Jarth costume! This is a remixed version of Jareth's amulet, to better incoporate some of the screen-used props design. Additional shapes and forms were added to the amulet to match images from the movie (in particular, the Magic Dance scene). The icon on the amulet was redeisnged to precisely match the movie, using a direct images of the real prop to create the 3d design.  The amulet is precely 60mm, but can be sized to your liking. The hole in the middle was left to alleviate some of the weight of the necklace. Both sides of the necklace are the same/mirrored. 2x icons must be printed for both sides. The hole for string is quite small, so you have to use thin string, or increase thicking/size. ~2hr print time on Elegoo Jupiter using Sunlu PA-like resin. Easy painting using silver and gold paint, with a dark wash.

About the author:
Goblin Pirate Games
Goblin Pirate Games is a small miniature game developer that brings you great games like, Arena Brutalis. Our flagship game Arena Brutalis brings creative game rules with awesome 3dminiature, to make one amazing game. GPG origintaed from a youtube channel called Super Phun Stuff, where we focused on 3d printing and miniature painting. Now, we venture into the future and created our own games and our own custom miniature art. Dr. T. is the owner and creator of GPG and strives to bring joy and fun to everyone's tabletop. Checkout our website www.goblinpirategames.com Checkout Arena Brutalis www.arenabrutalis.com


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