Inquisition Nemesis Halberd / Sword (Transformable)

76 (likes)
5150 (views)
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This is my version of a full size Nemesis Halberd, the weapon wielded by the Grey Knights from Warhammer 40K. (Okay, slightly smaller b/c the full size version would be for a 9 foot tall supersoldier). The weapon is designed to "transform". Using printable threaded inserts, you can attach a long haft to the sword to turn it into a polearm. Easy for transporting when space is an issue! The pommel of the sword then goes into the end of the haft. The "recommended" assembly is 66 inches tall when fully assembled with the long haft. Just the sword portion by itself is 31.5 inches tall. You can make the haft smaller if you want (or longer if you're really tall) It features the Imperial Inquistion logo on the body of the weapon and as the guard. The logo on the guard is optional. Non-printable parts used: - 1/4 inch wooden dowel to assemble the blade as well as reinforce the printed screws.- 1 inch outer diameter PVC pipe. I used the thin walled with a thickness of about 0.075 inches or 1.9mm. 1 piece of 17 cm is for the sword handle. A second piece of 92.5 cm for the long haft.- A small length of corrugated plastic black tubing. This goes into the 2 Tube Slots on the body. Should be available at any hardware store. Options:- If you don't like the icon on the body of the weapon, use ShroudB (Flat) instead of ShroudB (Icon)- I made a few stencils that should help with painting the parts. I printed mine in ABS plastic for easy sanding as well as to use acetone chemical bonding to make the result more durable.



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