Betty Boop

23 (likes)
6815 (views)
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This image of the iconic Betty Boop is in response to a request on Reddit. I haven't had a chance to print it yet, so I ask that if any of you make this, PLEASE post a make! -=[ EDIT ]=- There was an error where the right eye was not high enough for the black color layer so I have fixed that and re-uploaded it. After I did this, I noticed that the original looked a little thick. I like my girls a little thick, but for those of you who do not, I have uploaded a thinner version, with 0.6mm layers instead of 1.2mm layers of the original. Please see the printing notes for the revised color change points.

About the author:
I am a self-proclaimed know-it-all. I will tackle any project regardless of my experience, or lack thereof. Always ready to learn something new. With over 25+ years experience in electronic repair and 10+ years experience in small engine / ATV / motorcycle repair, there is nothing I can't fix, modify or build. Why a pepper? In case anyone is curious as to why there is a hot pepper embossed into most of my designs... My nickname is Pepper and that little pepper logo is a hell of a lot shorter than "Copyright © 2017 by Derek J.G. Tombrello" which is how I usually sign my work :D If you would like to donate using bitcoin, you can do so via my address: 1DdWx5E86iQsVam361q3T4qMGKXdGBRCxx I can now accept donations using dogecoin as well. That address is: DEKT6CjdR3uAKQjmiGteTAg8gvKphY9tw5


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