Avengers Logo Medallion / Coin

99 (likes)
3827 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Here is our version of the Avengers Logo Medallion / Coin. We are also on gumroad where we list cutup/slicedup props, heres few links of sweet prop files our Thanos sword https://gum.co/pXLb  our Red Queen Sword from Devil May Cry https://gum.co/cBryA our Blade of Olympus from God of War https://gum.co/WPDVU our Glass Axe from Skyrim https://gum.co/DQroV our Heirloom Kunai from Apex Legends https://gum.co/qoCPZ our L-Star EMG from Apex Legends https://gum.co/yDuBJ we have many other sweet easy to print props on gumroad, check it out. Check out our youtube channel @A Skewed View 3d & if you like what were doing subscribe and ring that Bell as we always have a lot of content coming out We'd like to know what you think on our designs, please feel free to leave a comment on any of our videos and we will reply. You can also find & reach out to us on Twitter@ASkewedView3d. Remember if you need any 3d work done be it design, modeling or printing just contact us at [email protected]. Thank you again for checking out our designs and have a wonderful day. God bless

About the author:
Hey, thanks for stopping by! We're a family-owned business based in south Florida. The services that we offer include, but are not limited to: - 3D Design - Drafting & Design - Archviz - Graphic Design To download many of our designs for free, click here: https://www.thingiverse.com/a_skewed_view_3d/designs https://www.myminifactory.com/users/A%20SKEWED%20VIEW%203D To pickup versions that are spliced & ready for prop-size printing, click here: https://app.gumroad.com/a_skewed_view3d To see more of our work and pricing, check out our site! https://www.askewedview3d.com/ You can keep up with us over at these other platforms! Instagram: A_Skewed_View_3D Twitter: @ASV3D For business inquiries, please email us here: [email protected]


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