Abode of the Hand

270 (likes)
10709 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This is based on the drawing by Stuwaha as seen here: https://stuwaha.deviantart.com/art/Fortress-15171542 I tried separating the castle from the base but it turned out to not work so well. So I'm releasing it as merged model.

About the author:
I'm someone who always admired artists, but never managed to create anything of my own, not untill I discovered 3D printing. The first time I held my own creation in my hand, I knew this was my thing, and it has been ever since. Designing and especially learning HOW, is a passion for me. Almost all my models are made to learn something in the process, and that keeps me improving and branching out to new things. A major motivation also has been the community, who have encouraged and supported my efforts to a point I never dreamed possible!


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