Jolly da Vinci

4 (likes)
3408 (views)
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Created for the Make Anything Design Challenge; this puzzle is an all 3D printed model. It can be assembled and played with, puzzled over and given to others to do the same as soon as it comes off the printer. Assembly Instructions: 4 Short Bars: Labeled A and B 2 Long Bars: With matching A and B labels 2 Long Pins 2 Short Pins 1 Square. To assemble place a long pin into the hole on the side of the Short A and Short B Parts. Place the Short Pin through the top of the Short A and B. Using the registration marks Slide one of the Long Bars onto the matched label Short bars. Repeat this process with the other. At the end you should have 2 long bars with a notch in-between and a square. To put the puzzle together push the two pins facing each other on the long bar into their holes completely. You will need to make sure the notch is facing up. Slide the other long bar through this notch from the end; at the same time start sliding the square down with it. As you push the bar down the side, the square will naturally follow and set around both long bars and the two bars will rest notch to notch. To lock it just give it a shake. I did not create this puzzle, it was created by Leonardo Da Vinci. I simply modeled it and am now making it available to everyone. Jolly Making!



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