3DNA Structure Model/Puzzle

3 (likes)
2539 (views)
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This is an educational model of the double helix structure of DNA, however it is in puzzle form. The puzzle is comprised of 4 "puzzle pieces" the A, T, G, and C, which represent the 4 bases of the DNA structure (adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine), which make up nearly all life. The puzzle's simple design demonstrates how simple and repetitive the DNA structure is, but also shows how complex the patterns must become. Since the puzzle is comprised of only 4 pieces, it is reletively easy to print, and the user can decide how many sets of 4 pieces to print. The more sets you print, the taller you can make the structure, and the more combinations of base pairs you can create. The taller I make mine, the more satisfying it becomes, I'd love to see how tall one of these structures could be stacked.



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